Why is Consistency in Blogging so Challenging? (Answering 10 Critical Questions)

Welcome to the Blogging Club! New in town? Are you also searching for that perfect keyword that outperforms every other search result, but still, the keyword is trending? Then, I must say, you are not alone. Take this article as a representation of the frustration of every other blogger out there who is struggling to make a living from this. So, coming to our primary question – Why is Consistency in Blogging so Challenging? Keep reading as I’ve tried to share my personal experiences in this article.

Yes, this is definitely exhausting, and you might be thinking of quitting to focus on your work and finding a better-paying job. Hold on, champ! Even I’m in your shoes, and I don’t want to give up until Google itself tells me I’m lost and can go home now 😛.

Returning to our question: Why is searching for a long-tail keyword so hard? It’s because you’re looking for a free tool— in other words, ‘Free ka maal, bhaiya!’ My honest advice here is to just type whatever comes to your mind into Google. After typing the focussed word (Example “Are leather shoes a…”), play around by putting every alphabet out there: A, B, C, D… Z. See what Google suggests and draw ideas or inspiration from there. At least, that’s what I’m trying to do.

You might ask if I’ve found success. Definitely not 😂, but what’s wrong with giving it a try? At the end of the day, Google is the one that ranks your site and posts. So, let’s take suggestions directly from there and put our hearts into it.

How do I find the best long-tail keywords?

I don’t know, brother. I just put out any words that come to my mind to try to frame a title along with some sense 🙂. Are you following me till here? As I’ve mentioned earlier in this post, I’m a new blogger in town, and let’s see how it goes from here. If you are still sticking around and want to read more, please understand that I’m just expressing my frustration here. If you see any ads running around this post, then consider that my little blog is successful, and I got approval from AdSense. I’m not sure how I did it, but if I did, come back and read all my posts, analyze, decode what I did right here, and please don’t forget to share that report with me as well 😛

Why is Consistency in Blogging so Challenging? You might be wondering why I’m putting this question here, right? Keyword stuffing 😛

What is long-tail keyword difficulty?

Are you still wondering, “Why is Consistency in Blogging so Challenging?” If yes, then acknowledge that we are noobs, still getting the hang of it, and need not compromise on anything as we move forward. In simple terms, long-tail keyword difficulty refers to how challenging it is to compete with a particular keyword. I use Ahrefs to assess the difficulty for any focused keyword. The higher the difficulty, the more challenging the competition, and conversely, lower difficulty indicates a better chance to rank. However, success isn’t guaranteed; it requires consistent effort. Keep repeating this hustle, and after 50-100 blog posts, you may start attracting traffic, succeed, and finally buy that iPhone you’ve been longing for.

Are long-tail keywords easier to rank for?

No, but compared to short-tail keywords, it is easier to rank and attract traffic when targeting a specific question or phrase, such as ‘Do we really need a degree to earn money?’ rather than just ‘earn money.’ People are more likely to click on the first displayed question, as it may answer a long-term query or dispel a common myth. Therefore, it is always recommended to go for long-tail keywords. However, there’s nothing wrong in choosing a short-tail keyword, as long as there is less competition for that focused keyword, and you are confident enough to get it ranked. You believe that your content will outperform even the best blogs at the top. That gut feeling and intuition are required for success. Be passionate, that’s all I say! You only lose when you give up! Remember that. Period!

What are the disadvantages of long-tail keywords?

Well, long tail keywords has following disadvantages:

Limited Searches: Long-tail keywords get fewer searches, potentially restricting website traffic.
Narrow Reach: Exclusive focus on niche phrases may miss a broader audience.
Content Hurdles: Crafting specialized content poses challenges, demanding expertise.
Keyword Diversity: Relying solely on long-tail terms risks a lack of keyword diversity.
Potential Competition: Despite being less competitive, some long-tail phrases face rivalry.
Dynamic Trends: Long-tail keyword popularity can change, impacting relevance.
Conversion Variability: Specificity brings higher conversion rates but variable performance.
Maintenance Struggles: Managing numerous long-tail keywords requires time and effort.
Duplication Risk: Targeting multiple keywords risks content overlap and confusion.
Brand Visibility: Overlooking broader terms may reduce brand visibility, crucial for trust.

But screw it! Follow your heart and work on something that will get you success (At Least to you :P)

How many long-tail keywords for SEO?

Not less than 3 and not more than 7 I would say. Take it or break it!

How do I find long-tail keywords for free?

Please read the answer to my first question: ‘Why is searching for a long-tail keyword so hard?’ I’m becoming a bit lazy to search for content for each of these questions now 😬

Which is better long-tail or short tail keywords?

Of course, focus on long-tail keywords as a beginner. Only work on short-tail keywords if you are confident that your content is the best globally or, at the very least, in your district 😛

What is the long tail keyword limit?

Seriously, dude? I’ve already addressed this above. Please go ahead and search!

Do long-tail keywords have a higher CTR?

I haven’t reached that stage yet. Once I have the information, I’ll update this section. Until then, happy blogging! 😛But still to answer your question, if you attract more traffic from the US, then yes, you will generate more revenue. My only advice is not to limit your blogs to certain regions. Write with the intention of reaching a global audience. And here’s a pro tip – if you struggle with communication, take the help of our friend GPT bhaiya! ChatGPT, Shhhhhh!

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